DCS World MFD Exporter

Software for exporting MFD's, SHKVAL, Radar, RWR etc. from DCS World over network


Love DCS..? Want to export viewports from simulator but You don't have external monitor but have another PC..? This app is for You!! Now You can show viewports on networked PC in real time with less performance impact than export to another screen!
Remember: App is still in development and may have some bugs. If You saw some unusual behaviors write to me and send a logfile. Contact You may find on this page.


- server: small CPU impact (avg 1.5 % on Ryzen 5 1500X)
- less FPS impact than normal export and show on another screen
- all available viewports can be exported
- rendered screens dependent by resolution (2x MFD 500 x 500 > 20 - 24 FPS on GTX 1060 6GB Strix)
- minimal delay

Export examples:

- A-10A: Right MFD
- A-10C: Left & Right MFD
- AJS-37 Viggen: Radar
- AV-8B Harrier: Left & Right MPCD
- F-14 Tomcat: VDI, HSD, DDD, RWR, TID
- F-15C: Radar
- F-16C: Left & Right MFD, EHSI, RWR, PFL, DED
- F/A-18C Hornet: Left & Right MFD, AMPCD, RWR, IFEI
- Mig-29
- Mirage-2000C: VTB & RWR
- Su-25T: SHKVAL
- Su-27: Radar
- Su-33

... and all other viewports
MFD Exporter server
MFD Exporter client
Used for connect with server app and display viewports from DCS on network PC in separated windows.
Monitor setup with DCS Viewports position
Technical details of my screen setup
DCS World screenshot with exported viewports
Example screenshot with viewports rendered "below" monitor


- before run DCS configure Your monitor setup LUA file in "DCS World\Config\MonitorSetup\" folder
- run DCS World
- start MFD Exporter server:
- set X and Y Viewports start and width/height exported DCS Viewports
- click Inject (if You want test if exported viewports is properly configured click "Test" button) Important: don't try injecting on loading screens (DCS in that moment load files/configs etc. and may crashed)
- set network port and click "Connect"
- if You want save configuration simply click "Save" button

- on networked PC start MFD Exporter client
- set server IP and port (IP PC with DCS World installed)
- configure exported Viewport width/height and position
- click "Connect"

DCS World screenshot with exported viewports
Connection example to work with Lua script to exporting data from DCS World (show position on map, G-meter)

Monitor setup LUA file

If You don't know how to configure Your monitor setup *.lua file check my config ...
To export some of viewports You need to edit a few *.lua files:
Aircraft Indicator File to edit
F-14 Tomcat RWR Mods\aircraft\F14\Cockpit\Scripts\RWR\Indicator\Pilot\init.lua
F/A-18C Hornet IFEI Mods\aircraft\FA-18C\Cockpit\Scripts\IFEI\indicator\IFEI_init.lua
UFC Mods\aircraft\FA-18C\Cockpit\Scripts\UFC\indicator\UFC_init.lua
RWR Mods\aircraft\FA-18C\Cockpit\Scripts\TEWS\indicator\RWR_ALR67_init.lua
AJS-37 Viggen Radar Mods\aircraft\AJS37\Cockpit\scripts\radar\Indicator\init.lua
M2000C Mirage RWR Mods\aircraft\M-2000C\Cockpit\RWR\RWR_init.lua
When You want add RWR in Mirage: open Mods\aircraft\M-2000C\Cockpit\RWR\RWR_init.lua in Notepad++ (or another Notepad app) and add:
dofile(LockOn_Options.common_script_path.."ViewportHandling.lua") try_find_assigned_viewport("M2000C_RWR")
then add M2000C_RWR (name given in try_find_assigned_viewport) in Your monitor setup config.
You can also find all available viewport names by search with simple Windows command run in DCS root folder:
findstr /s "try_find_assigned_viewport" *.lua
Read more


Video from testing MFD Exporter on 10" netbook


Few photos with working example


App export only MFD?
- No, You can export all viewports that can be exported (MFD, SHKVAL, Radar etc.)
How this app impact on DCS performance?
- affect less than normal export on another screen because viewports is "showing" below Your monitor so GPU doesn't need to render it on screen
How many frames can be exported in 1 second?
- it depends by resolution, smaller resolution gives more frames. Test with 2x MFD (500x500) on GTX1060 6GB Strix gives 20-24 exported frames
How long are the delays?
- minimal, about 200 milliseconds
Is delays is rising in time?
- sometimes an increase in delay can be observed but it is rather caused by displaying on weak equipment or sending over a network. After some time it returns to normal (in the future I want to rewrite connection to UDP, so the application will not need to resend the data)
Why the F-14 Tomcat viewport in night mode (red) is so dark?
- don't know why, this is question to Heatblur
How to save MFD window position?
- simply open MFD window, place (resize) where You want and close, then restart app
App don't receive data
- Check Your firewall settings
No screenshot when click "Test" button
- Try a few times. If this not work restart DCS World and MFD Exporter server
Can't Inject to DCS
- Your Windows probably block some files for increase security. Unblock files in folder
Server crash on injecting to DCS
- Restart DCS World


Sample exported viewports:
MFD F-16C Viper MFD F/A-18C MFD F/A-18C MFD F/A-18C MFD F/A-18C MFD F/A-18C AV-8B Harrier AV-8B Harrier AV-8B Harrier AV-8B Harrier F-14B Tomcat F-14B Tomcat F-14B Tomcat F-14B Tomcat Mirage-2000C A-10A A-10A SHKVAL Su-25T AJS-37 Viggen Radar F-15C Radar

System requirements:
OS: Windows
Architecture: 64-bit
.NET Framework: 4.6.1
RAM Usage:
Size: 47 MB
license: FREE
Version: 1.0.2019.1002
Release date: 2019-10-02

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